Legal notice
Below are the details of the company responsible for this website: INDEN PHARMA PACKAGING SL, a company inscribed in ALICANTE Mercantile Register under volume 3883, page 105, book 0, sheet A-146381, entry no. 1, with Tax ID no. B54867437 and registered address at Avila 6, 03440, Ibi (ALICANTE) You may also contact us on the telephone number 966553343 or at the following e-mail address:
All logos, brands and other distinctive signs shown in this website, in addition to its design and source code, belong to INDEN PHARMA PACKAGING SL and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.
INDEN PHARMA PACKAGING SL shall not be held liable regarding the legality of other third party sites that may be accessed via this website.
INDEN PHARMA PACKAGING SL shall not be held responsible either regarding the legality of other third party sites that may be linked to this website.
INDEN PHARMA PACKAGING SL reserves the right to modify this website without prior notice, for the purpose of maintaining all information up to date, by either adding, modifying, rectifying or removing any contents that may have been published on the website, as well as its design.
INDEN PHARMA PACKAGING SL shall not be held responsible for the use by any third parties of any information published in their website. This includes any damages caused or arising, either directly or indirectly, or that may result in damages to materials, data or economic losses due to the use of this information.
Total or partial reproduction of the contents published on this website without prior written consent from INDEN PHARMA PACKAGING SL. is forbidden. All information concerning privacy can be found in our privacy policy.